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Module Positions

JSN Boot provides 37+ module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configurations. All module positions are collapsible which means if you don't publish any modules in some positions it will not take any blank spaces leaving those for neighbor modules. Some positions are designed to arrange modules inside in horizontal layout which makes it very easy to reorder modules inside it.

See all module positions outline

Layout Configuration

Layout configuration by template parameters

JSN Boot allows you to change the width size for several critical layout elements. All settings can be done via template parameters in section LAYOUT SETTINGS.

Layout Variations

JSN Boot layout system is very flexible and capable. Module positions are designed in smart way to cover all possible spot where you might want to put content. Moreover, you can specify width of both overall layout and specific columns conveniently via template parameters. Bellow is live presentation of some most popular layout variations:

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Full details about all template features can be found in comprehensive documentation package available for free download.

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