Built with JSN PowerAdminBuilt with JSN PowerAdmin
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All JoomlaShine templates come with a responsive design to make sure that your website will look beautiful not only on all major web browsers but also on mobile devices.

We also offer a mobile version of the main menu to enhance the mobile user experience. There are 4 types of mobile menu to choose simply by a few clicks via administrator:

Sticky Mobile Menu

Sticky mobile menu allows your users landing on your site using a mobile device easily access to your menu from anywhere on the website, without having to scroll back to the top of the page. By default, sticky menu is automatically enabled for both mobile and desktop devices in Menu & Site Tools section.

Sticky Mobile Menu

Default Mobile Menu

This is the default mobile menu style showing the menu in full-width form under the toolbar.

Default Mobile Menu

Mobile Menu with Push Effect

The mobile menu will appear from the left/right while website content will be pushed to the same direction.

Push Right

Push Right

Push Left

Push Left

Mobile Menu with Slide Effect

The mobile menu will slide in from the left/right and overlap website content.

Slide Right

Slide Right

Slide Left

Slide Left

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