Built with JSN PowerAdminBuilt with JSN PowerAdmin
See other templatesSee other templates

One of the fastest and easiest ways to learn template is to install sample data and start playing with it. PrimeSoft Boot provides unique mechanism of installing sample structure directly on your website. Just few steps and your website will be ready to go just by making few changes.

Step 1. Setup sample data

Go to template settings page and click button "Get started".

Run sample data installer

There are 2 options for you to choose: Install sample data on your current Joomla site or download the QuickStart package to install a full package of Joomla CMS, Prim Epic template and sample data.

Download sample data package

The installation process would start instantly and you would get the website in less than a minute.

Step 2. Read template documentation and start playing

Run sample data installer

Done! Just 2 simple steps and you have sample data installed.

Now it's time to read documentation and play with the template. You can download documentation package for free.

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