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Why choose PrimeSoft?

If you are looking for a clean and professional solution either for your entire website or a partial solution like plugin or module, the solution is right here!

Contact us and tell us your requirements to know how PrimDeal can provide you with perfect solution for your business website in reasonable price.

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NEW !  Prim Boot, a template with PRO features inside

Prim Boot is an excellent template with clean and modern design. It supports both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. 

Super flexible layout, 4 colors variation, 3 font styles, 5 menu styles, 9 modules styles and much more are under your management via convenient template parameters.

For full details about Prim Boot features, please download template documentation for free.

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Beautiful Design

PrimeSoft Boot has incredibly beautiful clean design with ultra flexible layout built-up from 28 module positions. The combination of 6 colors variation, 5 menu styles and 6 module styles results in a really remarkable website. In addition, super rich typography makes your content look stunning and clear for all users.

Read more: Layout - Colors Variation - Menu Styles - Typography - Module Styles Font Styles.

Stable Feature Rich Core

PrimeSoft Boot is not just a template, but whole piece of web system software for which we spent more then 2 years. As the result you get ultra stable template with native RTL support and flawlessly running on IE6. Even more than that, there are multiple SEO & Accessibility features which make your website greatly visible for both search engines and people with disabilities.

Read more: RTL Layout Support - IE6 Support - SEO & Accessibility - Flash Gallery.

Dead-easy Configuration

You will be surprised how such a capable template can be so easily handled. Majority of template features are conveniently managed by over 40 template parameters. You dont have to be a CSS master or PHP guru. Just set parameters as you want and enjoy the result.

Read more: Template Parameters.

Outstanding Docs & Support

Even when the template is deadly easy to use, we still provide very comprehensive documentation package of 3 PDF documents. So its really hard to get things done wrong, but if even so, you can get timely and professional support from our team as well as friendly community.

Next Step: Download template documentation for free.

Cost Effective Solution

All the benefits is available for you for just 29$. Our ultimate goal is to offer you a solution that in turns must bring you much more profit. Even more, we provide 30-days money back guarantee, so this is absolutely risk-free. Just give it a try and you wont look back.

Next Step: Download PrimeSoft Boot.

Why choose us?

Compared to big guys, PrimeSoft produces very little amount of products and services, but with fanatical focus on quality of both product and support. We constantly refine our scripts to make it secure, faster, more stable and easier to use.

By choosing us, you will save a lot time and resources.

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Easy to start

DataFactory provides unique mechanism of installing data directly on your current website. Just few clicks and the website is all setup.


Responsive Layout

All JoomlaShine templates are responsive. They work normally on all modern mobile devices such as iPhone, Android and Windows mobile-based.


Modern Style

With the main idea of clean squared blocks, JSN Boot brings you fresh and colorful design. If you want website with modern design, this is for you.


Every company should be this way

Outstanding Products, Outstanding Support, Outstanding Business Ethics...Every company should follow these guys. WELL WORTH THE MONEY!

Bob Stevenson

I love PrimeSoft

And your support is great! For me the support for a product is the most important thing, and you really understand what you are doing.


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Company number 10527668
PrimeSoft LTD on Companieshouse.gov.uk