Built with JSN PowerAdminBuilt with JSN PowerAdmin
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Why choose PrimeSoft?

If you are looking for a clean and professional solution either for your entire website or a partial solution like plugin or module, the solution is right here!

Contact us and tell us your requirements to know how PrimDeal can provide you with perfect solution for your business website in reasonable price.

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NEW !  Prim Boot, a template with PRO features inside

Prim Boot is an excellent template with clean and modern design. It supports both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. 

Super flexible layout, 4 colors variation, 3 font styles, 5 menu styles, 9 modules styles and much more are under your management via convenient template parameters.

For full details about Prim Boot features, please download template documentation for free.

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Online Food Ordering portal (Unlimited restaurants)

£ 1,150.00 each


Restaurant Menu Builder

With this easy PHP food ordering script site owner or Restaurant Owners  can create an attractive restaurant menu organized in categories. You can add an unlimited number of products with description, extras, portion sizes and more.

This version allows adding or registering unlimited number of restaurants, categories and products

- Add unlimited categories, each category has its own price type. Allowing individual category price types gives you the power to define as many sizes you have for each category (example: soup would be cup or bowl and sub would be small and large)

- Add unlimited foods to each category

- Manage your food photo, prices description

- Allow to enter ingredient and calories of a food item.


Pickup, Delivery and Dine in

With our food ordering script Restaurant Owners can add restaurant location, define delivery areas, set up pickup and delivery working times, delivery fees and more. Ordering APP is integrated with web based system to help Restaurants confirm preparation time directly from their phone. Customer can send Dine in reqest for table reservation in advance by mentioning exact date and time. Dine in reqest can be done by anytime and at anywhere. Restaurant Owners will get a sound notification for pending orders systematically through Order Receive application.


Payment gateway Integration& Security

Our Payment method ensures high security for customers to pay money via secured online payment gateway integration such as Stripe, PayPal. Customer payment details will be protected in highly confidential manner. Our system is designed in such a way to prevent unauthorized attack and preventing threat(s) by Vulnerability family. Such as

Why choose us?

Compared to big guys, PrimeSoft produces very little amount of products and services, but with fanatical focus on quality of both product and support. We constantly refine our scripts to make it secure, faster, more stable and easier to use.

By choosing us, you will save a lot time and resources.

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Easy to start

DataFactory provides unique mechanism of installing data directly on your current website. Just few clicks and the website is all setup.


Responsive Layout

All JoomlaShine templates are responsive. They work normally on all modern mobile devices such as iPhone, Android and Windows mobile-based.


Modern Style

With the main idea of clean squared blocks, JSN Boot brings you fresh and colorful design. If you want website with modern design, this is for you.


Every company should be this way

Outstanding Products, Outstanding Support, Outstanding Business Ethics...Every company should follow these guys. WELL WORTH THE MONEY!

Bob Stevenson

I love PrimeSoft

And your support is great! For me the support for a product is the most important thing, and you really understand what you are doing.


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PrimeSoft LTD,155 Chapel Street, Leigh, England, WN7 2AL, UK
Company number 10527668
PrimeSoft LTD on Companieshouse.gov.uk